Most of us know about the plight of the Rhino.
Both the black and white rhino populations, along with other mammals, are in huge trouble of being wiped out. The thought of Africa no longer being home to “The Big Five” is something really unsettling to think about, yet this is the reality of what is happening every day. Often one can feel helpless and wonder what they can do to help. This is part of what Rhino notching is all about, getting to help be a part of something that goes a long way to helping our precious Rhinos here in Pilanesberg.

The Group being briefed on the proceedings for the morning and all about the Rhinos.

Some of our guides ready for the adventure to begin.
The chopper is ready with the Vet and pilot.
Getting ready to go and look for an un-notched Rhino.
The Rhino has been darted by the vet in the chopper, waiting for the drug to take full effect.
Once the Rhino is down a cover is put over its eyes and plugs are put in its ears in order to help make it a less stressful situation for the rhino.
While the Vets and everyone are doing the notching, taking DNA samples etc everyone gets to have a closer look at these magnificent animals.
The Rhino is given the reversal drug and everyone gets back into the vehicles to watch as the Rhinos wake up.
And just like that the Rhinos are awake, they regroup and head off again.
For more information on this adventure please visit our website:
Rhino Notching
Mankwe GAMETRACKERS Rhino Notching Form.